Thursday, November 5, 2009

Establishing the 2009-2010 SOTL Faculty Learning community

The purpose of this blog site is to capture the process of a faculty learning community (FLC). This FLC is supported by a Scholarship of Teaching Grant from the Academic Center of Excellence in Teaching (ACET) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). The purpose of this FLC is to explore issues related scholarship of teaching and learning. As a means to support the scholarship of teaching, each member will create an electronic course portfolio to document their teaching practices.

Once the funding had been awarded, Bridgett Piernik-Yoder, PhD, OTR, the FLC facilitator, held an informational session Health Professions in September 2009. During this session the goals and anticipated structure of the FLC were shared with the attendees.
In addition to the facilitator, nine faculty members committed to joining and participating in the FLC. The faculty represented the disciplines of dental hygiene, deaf education and hearing science, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, and occupational therapy.

In October 2009, the first official session of the FLC was held. The purpose of this session was for the FLC to establish the schedule that would be followed by the group. This was accomplished by generating a list of topics that the group wanted to cover. Once the list was generated, the content areas were laid out on a schedule of monthly meetings. The anticipated schedule is as follows:

Session 1 (September 2009)
Information session – Scholarship of teaching and course portfolios
Structure and participation in FLC
Course identification

Session 2 (October 2009)
Expectations of our FLC
Strengths/Interests of group members
Topic coverage
Strategies for collecting materials and student feedback

Session 3 (November 20, 2009)
12:00 – 2:00 PM
Scholarship of Teaching

Session 4 (January 2010)
Conceptualization of course
Course design
Course goals

Session 5 (February 2010)
Linking learning activities to course design

Session 6 (March 2010)
Demonstration of student learning (products, assessments, reflection)

Session 7 (April 2010)
Demonstration of student learning

Session 8 (June 2010)
Translating class activities to practical skills
Preparing students for practice

Session 9 (July 2010)
After-action report: Reflection on the course

Session 10 (July 2010)
Using the process to support course development

Session 11 (August 2010)
Peer review of course portfolios
Review of UTHSCSA Electronic Portfolio Development Guide
Evaluation of FLC experience

Session 12 (August 2010)
Planning for symposium to be held in September 2010